Thursday, May 19, 2011

Love don't cost a things !

hey bloggier , if are say that Pening cos aku asyik update blog jer lately kan, i hope you know why kan , boring tau ngak, haha start melalut , blaaa blaaaa just wanna share something :)

If u think about it logically, of course its utterly bullshit. Who are we kidding? Love dont cost a thing my ass. Pernah dengar, semua benda pun nak pakai duit? Ha betul la tu. Mana ada bende free dalam dunia ni. U can say, oh our love is the only thing we need to survive in this world. Erk? Kau tinggal kat zaman mana ni? Nak keluar dating, kena pakai duit kan? Petrol, food, entertainment. Nak dating tepi tasik pun pakai duit. Unless kau jalan kaki. Tapi lepas tu haus, nak beli air jugak kan? Unless kau bawak air dari rumah. But come on la, fikir logic sikit ok.

When we're out on a date, who usually pays? This is another question that will raise arguments. Kalau nak ikut pemikiran tradisi, of course la the guy will always takes care of the bill, no matter what. Tapi zaman sekarang ni, tak ramai yang betul-betul ikut cara ni. Women are becoming equally powerful in the money making business, & sometimes they like to take control. The way I see it, theres nothing wrong with the guy paying for everything, asalkan dia dah bekerja & has his own money. Tapi kalau boyfriend tu student lagi, dont expect him to pay for everything lah kan. Dia pun dapat duit from his parents, kau siapa nak kikis duit mak bapak dia? Tak payah la rasa kau tu hot sangat, susah nak dapat, so u can demand this & that. Sebulan dua boleh la dia nak bayar tu, beli ni, untuk kau. Tapi lepas setahun, dua, kau rasa dia boleh tahan? The best way is to go dutch, of course. Or pandai-pandai lah take turn, if he already pays for the movie, u pay for lunch/dinner. Takkan tu pun nak kena ajar/cakap. Lain la kalau dia dah offer nak belanja. Rezeki jangan ditolak. ;)

& guys, dont feel ashamed or feel like ur ego has been bruised if a girl pays for u. Just dont take advantage, thats all. It all depends on how mature both of u are in handling this. Like or not, money is an issue that needs to be settled, & talk about honestly. Takde orang dalam dunia ni yang suka bila duit dia habis dekat gf/bf. *unless ure a multi millionaire. Give it some thought, eh?

yang ini betol :)

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